
  • Talk: Tornado by Capt. Nick Anderson

Nick returns to Weybridge for a third to relate his final RAF tour flying the Tornado F.3 as a Flight Commander with 111(F) Squadron. In his previous lectures about flying the F4 Phantom and the F/A 18 Hornet he has alluded to the Tornado F.3 not be being the best airframe for Air Defence. We will hear about its limitations and drawbacks in a world of manoeuvrability and power.

For more information please contact: [email protected]

Located in the Clubhouse. There is a pre-order facility for food (by email to [email protected] no later than 7 days prior). Food is from 17.45.

All are welcome (RAeS membership is not required). There is an entry donation of £5.00 (please use card
payment) at the door. This donation is not expected from those under the age of 21 or holders of a current Student Union card. Certificates of Attendance for C.Eng or CPD purposes are available on request.

Plan your visit


Wednesday 19 March from 6.45pm


Book by email to [email protected]

Getting Here

Free parking at Campbell Gate entrance, off Brooklands Road. Postcode for SatNav is KT13 0QN. What3words: unions.added.finishing.

Event is in the Clubhouse.


Step-free access around site Assistance dogs only are admitted on site. Accessibility at the Museum >


Booking and enquries by email to [email protected]