The green-domed Clubhouse was built in 1907 to accommodate the race track officials such as stewards, the Clerk of the Scales and the Clerk of the Course. Enjoy the period atmosphere and the evocative room settings including the Ladies' Reading Room and the Clerk of the Course’s Office.
The Clubhouse housed a weighbridge for the cars, changing rooms for the drivers and a large open viewing stand for the press facing south across the circuit. Although anybody was allowed to join the BARC, few enthusiasts could afford to and, with its slogan “The Right Crowd and No Crowding”, the club only admitted into the building those wearing their member's or member's guest badges.
In 1947 the building was occupied by Barnes Wallis as part of the Vickers-Armstrongs Research and Development Department. Many alterations were made when rooms were turned into drawing offices and the original drivers’ bathroom was adapted as a shower room for those who worked in the newly-built Stratosphere Chamber next door. The Clerk of the Course’s Office and Ladies’ Reading Room have been refurbished and form part of the Clubhouse displays.
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Clubhouse and Paddock
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Step free access to ground floor
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